On 27th – 28th November, Vietnam Program for Internet & Society, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ministry of Information and Communications, Embassy of Sweden in Vietnam, Lund University Internet Institute (LUii), Vietnam Internet Association (VIA), UNDP and UNESCO will co-organize the first Vietnam Internet Forum (VIF 2017) at Hanoi Museum.
VIETNAM INTERNET FORUM (VIF) is the first annual forum to discuss and address various perspectives of Internet's contribution to an open, sustainable and innovative society. Focus is on Internet accessibility and digital solutions for social impact under the theme #DigitalforGood.
VIF 2017 is an open forum gathering the leading government officials, civil society representatives, academia, business leaders, social entrepreneurs and investors. Side events will display a variety of digital innovations and solutions. The evening reception offers a chance to immerse in discussion and networking with senior business leaders, policy makers and investors.
This year’s sessions range from how access to Internet and open data contribute to transparency and accessibility to how digital technology advances sustainable development, including:
Main Session 1: Digital Access
Access to Internet has become a critical component in our ability to engage fully in modern day society. Through Internet we indulge in activities such as online dating and mobile gaming, we can also participate in discussions, find information and read news. However, access to Internet goes further than technical solutions – openness, communication and access to information are also vital aspects.
The technological development has changed and shaped the way we think and act in relation to society, business, privacy and transparency. In the first main session we will address some of the opportunities that digital access brings to peoples’ lives.
Parallell Session 1A: Digital Innovations for Good
Using digital technologies to advance social and environmental development
Central to the modern start-up is their utilization of new and innovative technologies. Online services, mobile phone apps, 3D printing and Virtual Reality are all examples of new technologies that have been used by start-ups to build and grow their business. Innovation and technology are also central in discovering the new development solutions to the new global development challenges we face, including the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 (SDGs). We have already seen significant social and environmental impact through technological innovations in areas such as SMS distributed food stamps in times of famine, reforestation of isolated regions of the rainforest by drones, manufacturing of affordable prosthetics through 3D-printing, and crowd funding platforms which have revolutionized global development efforts. This session will explore how digital technologies can, and are, being used for good, to advance global sustainable development and help us achieve the SDGs.
This session is co-chaired with UNDP.
Parallell session 1B: Open Data
Open data is information from public organizations that is available for everyone to use, recycle or distribute – the only requirement is that you present the source. Open data is an asset which contributes to transparency and accessibility for its users. In the digital society we need new innovative solutions to produce, administer and disperse open data. In this session we will discuss a few examples of how open data can be created and used freely.
Parallell Session 2A: Defining Internet Universality Indicators
UNESCO will present its concept of Internet Universality and engage with participants for their inputs in defining the indicators for Internet. The concept of Internet Universality is at the heart of UNESCO’s work to promote an Internet that works for all and is based on four fundamental principles known as ROAM: Rights (R), Openness (O), Accessibility (A) and Multi-stakeholder (M) participation.
Elaborating Internet indicators serves multiple purposes: assessing country’s Internet development and environment, broaden international consensus on Internet norms and principles, and foster digital rights for sustainable development. Special attention will be paid to gender equality and to the needs and interests of young people.
UNESCO invites all stakeholders to complete a questionnaire for defining Internet Universality indicators.
This session is co-chaired with UNESCO.
Parallell Session 2B: Social Media
Social media plays an important role in society by changing how we communicate, behave and do business. Through social media everyone can express themselves and their ideas in words, images and through video content. New ways of interacting and sharing information bring new opportunities and challenges. In this session we will discuss the potential of social media in Vietnam as well as how the challenges could be approached.
Parallell Session 3A: Digitalization and the Next Generation's Perspective
The increasingly digitalized society will have a major impact on how young people interact, work and live in their adult lives. How do young citizens and users reflect on this? What are the skills we need to learn? In this session we will focus on the future and bring up perspectives and experiences from students, researchers and digital entrepreneurs.
Parallell Session 3B: Smart Cities
Smart cities use technology and digital solutions to improve citizens’ everyday lives. New innovations pave the way for urban development that is efficient, economic and sustainable. In order to develop smart cities efficient cooperation is needed. This development is not only for politicians and engineers, through digital innovations anyone can contribute to the creation of urban cities! In this session we will focus on smart digital solutions the cities of tomorrow.
For more information and the latest updates, please visit website: https://www.vietnaminternetforum.com or fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/VietnamInternetForum/